Take Control of Your Internet Future
Engineered E-Commerce Systems
814 528 6939
Incredibly productive and simple to use,
our web site generators are the best value to
help you maximize your internet
sales, profits and community satisfactions

Benefit Details of our Web Site Generator


The web site generator eliminates web programming and development making your internet strategies meet planned schedules, budgets, and expectations.

To use the generator, fill out easy to use web forms, choose generate and you have an error free site almost instantly. Don't like your content, use a web form and regenerate. It is that easy.

     1. You might ask "Why should I care?". Because most likely your internet operations, like most efforts, are not meeting expectations. A key fact to know about computer projects is that the majority of them fail. For over the last fifteen years, the industry trend has been that sixty percent of all information technology projects fail in terms of schedule, cost overrun, or benefits not delivered.

You have heard the phrase "Don't reinvent the wheel". But unfortunately most information technology developers haven't. Almost every web site is still being cobbled together by specialists in a manually intensive project. Those specialist must correctly handle a large number technical and content details for the site to meet expectations.

As a result, Web development projects are risky. Developers thrash their way across a technical snow field, falling down a hidden crevasse with each new problem or forgotten detail, missing schedules, adding cost, and not delivering expected benefits.

With us, no development projects and no risk. Our simple approach eliminates the risks, costs, and missed expectations associated with typical internet operations, because with our site generator you have no programmers, no projects, no development. You add your content and generate your site. Done.

     2. Your internet operations are under your control, not subject to the whim or schedule of others. Simple web forms control the site driving the time and cost involved in managing a-best-in-class web site to almost zero. We help you load your content onto the generator, and then your internet operations are under your control.

     3. Simple control over a powerful tool is good. Customers have reported productivity improvements by a factor of 75 times, sales increases by a factor of 10, and cost per model number per year reductions by a factor of 40, and significant improvements in end-user satisfaction and repeat use.

Your results will depend on the condition of your internet operations. Our technology offers a simpler, faster, cheaper, more easily controlled method to run your internet operations what ever they might be.

     4. No web programming required to have sophisticated features like slide shows, galleries, read mores, calendars, article archives, inline links, web forms, automatic emails, product specific help. Those features are built into the generator, and you can add them to your site through the web forms.

     5. No need for a layout or graphics specialist. You change content very quickly and easily. The generator handles layout and graphics for desktop, mobile, and tablet following a set of best practice rules. It formats your content differently creating three versions of your site to look its best and work its best on the three hardware platforms of desktop, mobile, and tablet.

     6. The generator performs search engine optimization of your site automatically. Search Engine Optimization, (SEO), is making your site accessible and pleasing to search engines. If your site is not Search Engine Optimized, your domain appears much lower in the search results. Search engine optimization requires getting the correct blend of content words, graphics, links, data techniques, and html markup to meet a minimum standard for web sites to be recommended by a search engine to its users.

     7. The generator supports any type of site whatever the industry. It is important to realize content is what varies from industry to industry, business to business, site to site. The techniques supporting the content are the same no matter what is being delivered to the end client. So, sites can range from alpaca feed stores to friends of the zoo donation sites. Beer pub, restaurant, sport club, used car lot, used equipment, knick-knack store, political campaign site, whatever the end customer, client or audience, we can help your organization do a much better, more effective job of satisfying them.

     8. Our generator product family is designed to support your organization's growth. We designed our generators to support the simplest one page brochure site to immense web catalogs of 250,000 model numbers. We engineered our e-commerce solutions to scale as needed as simply as possible. We won't be a barrier to your success. Our solutions are growth ready.

     9. If there is a problem, you have professionals ready to help. We are accountable, and very, very good at getting short term fixes in place and then the long term solutions. It is what we do. So if you have a problem (rare), you have the right team, rather than someone doing on the job training.

To summarize we designed our engineered e-commerce solutions with the purpose of creating any type of site needed as effectively possible. As a result of these design requirements we can deliver better sites for less time and money than anyone else. We essentially created a software factory focused on turning out the best sites with the options you need for your unique business.

Our web site generator product family enables you to take control of your internet future.

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